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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Let's Talk About ... Making Money!

I knew that would get your attention. Why? Because no matter how much money we have we always want to make more. This world is driven by the need and desire to create wealth. Now as good a notion as having more money than you can spend is, the reality of it is that most of us will never achieve that level and even if we did we probably wouldn't be happy. Now wait a minute! I thought the world was driven by this desire and money would solve all of my problems. Well, it is for the most part and no, it is not the end all to your problems. And that, in a nutshell, is the irony and vicious circle of being caught up in creating wealth. You are never satisfied so you continue to work harder to create more wealth. Working harder means less time for the things you truly enjoy which in turn leads to unhappiness. That is why I much prefer to coach people to pursue success. So, what's the difference? Having unlimited wealth could certainly be viewed as success. Consider this, who is more successful? The person who puts in 12 and 14 hour days at the office, makes well over 6 figures, can afford most anything he wants, comes home to a 4,000 + sq. foot home, but rarely has time for himself or his family. Or, the person who puts in 8 hours a day at the mill, makes minimum wage, manages to pay the bills, including the rent on his 800 sq. foot apartment, but has the time to devote to himself and his family. Many of you will say that the first person is more successful because of his material gains. Many others will say that the second one is because he has more time to harvest family relationships and personal interests. Well, the truth is, there really isn't a right or wrong choice. It's really a matter of personal view and objective. Both individuals are successful in their own right. However, look at the two examples again. One theme becomes obvious. Time! Person A in the example spends his time making money. Person B has less money but more time. Whoever said that "Time is Money" was dead on! Therefore, the key to being successful is to create wealth and have the time to enjoy it with your loved ones. You've heard the quote, "Work Smarter Not Harder". Again ... dead on! That is the key! Seek ways to increase both your wealth and your free time. Sometimes this means changing your outlook on what you consider success. BALANCE. That's what it is about! Find the balance between wealth and time that works for you. How much money do you really need to be happy? Chances are, it is not as much as you think. What if you just spent an hour more with your family or for yourself a day? How much of a difference would that make in your life? Strive to find ways to reduce your workload and get the same results. Strive to spend more time with your family and for yourself. Make the change today. Write down exactly what it is you need to change to be more successful. In the scope of this discussion it's either going to be having more time for yourself and others, devoting more time to creating wealth, or both. Whatever your particular situation is, write down clearly what you need to do and post it somewhere where you will see it everyday. Give yourself a definite and realistic timeline for achieving the change. Work hard at it everyday. Seek success not wealth. Remember, your success is defined by you and your loved ones needs. Ultimately, it is what makes you and your loved ones happy that determines how wealthy or successful you really are. Do not get caught in the vicious circle of just creating wealth.

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